SF Gateway Friday Limerick

As it’s Friday, the weekend is beckoning and the sun is even shining (at least it is at Gollancz Towers), we thought it was time to have a little fun. And what’s more fun than a limerick?

Therefore, in keeping with our focus on classic science fiction, SF Gateway offers up the following assessment of where yesterday’s future went wrong . . .

We once thought we’d have bases on Mars,
And then move on to conquer the stars,
With great dreams we were blessed,
But now we’re obsessed,
With big houses, smart phones and flash cars.

Our work here is finished.  Surely it’s now just a matter of waiting for the call from Stockholm offering us the Nobel Prize for Literature. Meanwhile, please feel free to leave your own SF limericks in the comments to this post or in the Forum page on the SF Gateway website – N.B. requires (free) log-in to post.

Happy Friday!