New Column on the SF Gateway Blog

We are delighted to announce a new regular monthly column on the SF Gateway blog, curated by the excellent Kev McVeigh and devoted to exploring the too-oft forgotten landscape of women’s SF & fantasy. Titled ‘From the Attic’ after Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubar’s pioneering book on women in 19th century novels The Madwoman in the Attic: The Woman Writer and the Nineteenth-Century Literary Imagination, it is planned for this column to appear monthly. We expect Kev will write the majority of posts, but he will also be soliciting input from Knowledgeable Others as he sees fit.

This is an important issue and one that promises erudition and entertainment in equal measure. The first column appears tomorrow and we hope you’ll join us. Who knows?  You might discover your new favourite SFF author in these very pages . . .